120 Weaned Steers

Lot 100 · MUTTABURRA, Western Queensland
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Tom Boyle (Level 1 Accredited)
BJ & JJ Schultz - "Tower Hill" Muttaburra - Prairie Rd, MUTTABURRA, QLD
PIC Number(s)
LPA , MSA (75F2) , Grass-Fed Accredited , Antibiotic Free
Average Weight
At Assessment
220.6 kgs
119.1 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 54%)
6 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
160 kgs to 250 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
02/02/2025 (13 days)
214.9 kgs based on -3% Del. Adj.
119.7 kgs
Live weight gain 0.1 kgs/day
Weight Range
156 kgs to 243 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 20/01/2025 Sampled: 120 Head (100%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
1 Totals
Dressed Live 0-2
09 70.1 - 90.0 130 - 167 3% 3%
11 90.1 - 110.0 167 - 204 12% 12%
13 110.1 - 130.0 204 - 241 60% 60%
15 130.1 - 150.0 241 - 278 25% 25%
Totals 100% 100%
Comment on Fat Score 1 Cattle
These steers present in store to forward store condition, a deteriorating season is reflected in their condition. They have been supplemented with M8U Molasses to boost their energy and would be suitable to travel long distances. How ever spelling would be suggested over 700/800km. Fit to load standards to be followed at delivery.
Sire Dam
106 Head Angus Angus/Brangus
14 Head Angus Brangus or Charbray
Ext. Breed
The majority of the cattle have been bred from Angus X Brangus cows with Angus bulls, while around 10% are crossbreeds of Angus, Brangus, or Charbray cows. Please refer to photos and videos for your satisfaction.
Horn Status
100 Polled 14 Dehorned 6 Scurred
9 - 11 Months
Cattle weaned 12/08/2024
Yard weaned and very well educated.
Quality Grades
Excellent 25%
Very Good 50%
Good 25%
Store Condition
Fwd Prime 40%
Fwd Store 40%
Store 20%
Docile: 40 head
Quiet: 78 head
Slightly Stirry: 2 head
Docile: 20 head
Quiet: 96 head
Slightly Stirry: 4 head
Docile: 60 head
Quiet: 60 head
Well handled cattle that flowed very well through the yards and race.
Handled With
Aerial (Helicopters, gyro’s and planes) , Bikes , On foot , Vehicles
Assessor Comments
3 Decks of 120 Angus Cross Steer Weaners, offering of vendor-bred steers, sired by Texas Angus bulls out of quality Angus/Brangus and Angus/Charbray cross cows. Teys Grassland Accredited, PCAS (non-certified) and MSA accredited. These steers have been weighed into a tight weight range of 160–250 kg, av. 222 kg at assessment. The steers are in store to forward store condition, displaying excellent frame. Supplemented with M8U molasses, they are set for strong compensatory weight gains, making them a buyer’s article. These cattle are well-educated and easy to handle, they were mustered by children and calmly worked through races and draft gates. TopX Longreach is offering three lines of vendor-bred Angus-cross steers in this sale. Two lines are located just 5 kilometers apart, while the third is available with delivery to one of these locations. Providing the opportunity of 6 decks to reduce freight costs. For any questions or further clarification, please contact the assessor.
Tom Boyle (Level 1 Accredited) Phone: 0400 018 007
Burr/Seed in Coat
No Burr or Seed of weeds declared noxious observed in the coats at assessment
HGP Status
The owner declares that the cattle have not been treated with HGP at any period of their lives
Vendor Bred
Lifetime Traceable
100 % of cattle in this lot are Lifetime Traceable
These steers have been bred out of Angus X Brangus cows by Texas Angus Bulls.
Grazing Conditions
A good mix of hayed off Buffel, Flinders, Star & Mitchell Grass with native herbages and burr.
Returned same
Delivery Period
02/02/2025 to 07/02/2025 (6 days)
Delivery Point
"Tower Hills Yards" 65km North of Muttaburra on the Muttaburra-Prairie Rd
Lat: -22.03862422759279" S Long: 144.6182305002716" E
Cattle are not in a tick infested area.
NLIS Transfer
Vendor/Agent willing to Scan and Transfer cattle AT BUYER REQUEST at cost of $5.00/head
Agent Contact
Tom Boyle
Mobile 0400 018 007
Trucking Access
Road Train
Wet Weather Accessible
Loading Facilities
Side Loading, Rear Loading
Loading Ramp
Single Deck
Trucking Access Additional Directions
Dry weather accessible road only and single ramp for BDouble or Road Train with Rear or Side load.
Delivery Comments
NVD Consigned to details must be provided prior to the delivery date.
Trading Terms
TopX Longreach Trading Terms are strictly 7 days payment from delivery to approved purchasers. Private purchasers must nominate a settling agent or have an approved TopX Australia trading account. All other CBD.
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 124858 · Fri, 31 January 2025, 9:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 6:00 AM · NT 7:30 AM · QLD 8:00 AM · SA 8:30 AM
Tom Boyle Assessor & Delivery Agent