65 Weaned Heifers

Lot 460 · GOONDIWINDI, Southern Queensland
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Wyatt Wrigley (Level 1 Accredited)
Brazil Enterprises - Wyaga Station, 15415 Gore Highway, GOONDIWINDI, QLD
PIC Number(s)
Average Weight
At Assessment
263.6 kgs
126.5 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 48%)
20 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
219 kgs to 330 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
04/11/2024 (7 days)
263.6 kgs based on 0% Del. Adj.
126.5 kgs
Live weight gain 0 kgs/day
Weight Range
219 kgs to 330 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 28/10/2024 Sampled: 65 Head (100%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
1 2 L Totals
Dressed Live 0-2 3-4
11 90.1 - 110.0 188 - 229 5% 6% 11%
13 110.1 - 130.0 229 - 271 3% 47% 50%
15 130.1 - 150.0 271 - 313 0% 37% 37%
16 150.1 - 160.0 313 - 333 0% 2% 2%
Totals 8% 92% 100%
Comment on Fat Score 1 Cattle
All cattle are fit and strong to travel long distances.
Sire Dam
40 Head Angus Angus
25 Head Angus Angus Cross
Ext. Breed
Out of Black Angus Cows by Texas Angus Blood Bulls. Small percentage show small amount of Naval, ear or white behind pizzle. View photos and video for full satisfaction.
Horn Status
63 Polled 1 Dehorned 1 Scurred
11 - 13 Months
Cattle weaned 01/04/2024
Yard weaned and handled with bikes and dogs.
Quiet: 58 head
Slightly Stirry: 7 head
Quiet: 58 head
Slightly Stirry: 7 head
Temperament not assessed in Paddock
These heifers were an absolute pleasure to handle and assess. The odd heifer become slightly agitated when caught in weigh box however soon returned to a calm state when returned to mob. Please view video for full satisfaction.
Handled With
Bikes , Dogs
Notable Traits
5 Head Blight Scarring
5 Head Warts
Assessor Comments
Buyers here presents a fantastic oppoprtunity to buy a great run of Heifers. 65 Very good quality Weaned Angus Heifers. These Heifers are out of a renowned Angus Cow herd by top Quality Texas Blood Bulls, with large majority Texas Powerplay Blood. They have had a fantastic start on the Oats and have done exceptionally well showing great weight for age. These Heifers would be ideal to put back to grass to grow out to heavier feeder weights. They show all the require feminine traits to grow out to be fantastic breeders. These cattle are renowned for their high performance both on grass and grain. As mentioned in Breed description a small percentage of these heifers showed a very small amount of either ear or naval. Please view photos and videos for full satisfaction. Suitable for most genuine Angus programs. Please contact me for any further information. A fantastic line of Heifers not to be missed.
Wyatt Wrigley (Level 1 Accredited) Phone: 0474 462 318
Burr/Seed in Coat
No Burr or Seed of weeds declared noxious observed in the coats at assessment
HGP Status
The owner declares that the cattle have not been treated with HGP at any period of their lives
Vendor Bred
Stock History
Out of the renowned TEXAS ANGUS Blood Brazil Angus Cow herd by Texas Powerplay Blood Bulls.
Lifetime Traceable
100 % of cattle in this lot are Lifetime Traceable
Grazing Conditions
Heifers have been running on Oats. The Oats in the last few weeks has begun to cut out.
Returned same
Joining Details
Not Station Mated
Any Access To Bulls or Stags?
To vendor's best knowledge, this lot has had no access to bulls or stags.
Delivery Period
04/11/2024 to 08/11/2024 (5 days)
Delivery Point
Aberdeen Rd yards off Gore Highway
Lat: -28.5424479" S Long: 150.3012655" E
Cattle are not in a tick infested area.
NLIS Transfer
Vendor/Agent willing to Scan and Transfer cattle AT BUYER REQUEST at cost of $5.00/head
Agent Contact
Trucking Access
Road Train
Wet Weather Accessible
Loading Facilities
Rear Loading
Loading Ramp
Single Deck
Delivery Comments
Please allow at least 24 hours notice prior to delivery.
Trading Terms
CBD, unless purchasing through an approved livestock agency. Standard GDL trading terms and conditions.
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 124508 · Fri, 01 November 2024, 9:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 6:00 AM · NT 7:30 AM · QLD 8:00 AM · SA 8:30 AM
Wyatt Wrigley Assessor & Delivery Agent