87 Heifers

Lot 371 · THALLON, Southern Queensland
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Sam Clements (Level 2 Accredited)
BAM PASTORAL - Approx 15KM South of Thallon, THALLON, QLD
PIC Number(s)
Average Weight
At Assessment
314.7 kgs
147.9 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 47%)
12 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
259 kgs to 450 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
24/03/2025 (11 days)
314.7 kgs based on 0% Del. Adj.
147.9 kgs
Live weight gain 0 kgs/day
Weight Range
259 kgs to 450 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 12/03/2025 Sampled: 87 Head (100%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
1 2 3 L 3 H Totals
Dressed Live 0-2 3-6 7-9 10-12
13 110.1 - 130.0 234 - 277 15% 6% 0% 0% 21%
15 130.1 - 150.0 277 - 319 27% 14% 0% 0% 41%
16 150.1 - 160.0 319 - 340 6% 7% 0% 0% 13%
18 160.1 - 180.0 341 - 383 1% 17% 0% 0% 18%
20 180.1 - 200.0 383 - 426 0% 1% 2% 1% 4%
22 200.1 - 220.0 426 - 468 0% 2% 0% 1% 3%
Totals 49% 47% 2% 2% 100%
Comment on Fat Score 1 Cattle
Score 1 Cattle in good condition and being light cattle will travel extended distances if loaded as per Fit To Load Guidelines
Sire Dam
72 Head Droughtmaster Droughtmaster Cross
8 Head Brahman Brahman/Droughtmaster
7 Head Angus Droughtmaster Cross
Ext. Breed
Heifers are predominately Droughtmaster base, with Santa, Angus & Brahman influence. See videos & Photos for best description
Horn Status
56 Polled 13 Horned 17 Dehorned 1 Scurred
12 - 20 Months
Age Brands: Mainly # 4s, with a few #3s
(12 Mouthed)
0T 9 head
1-2T 2 head
3-4T 1 head
Quiet: 67 head
Slightly Stirry: 15 head
Stirry: 5 head
Quiet: 54 head
Slightly Stirry: 24 head
Stirry: 9 head
Temperament not assessed in Paddock
Heifers flowed well through yards, some were quite agitated when isolated and would need to be slowed through gates but were quite calm in bigger yards. More breaking would benefit these heifers although temperament was not unusual for breed.
Handled With
Aerial (Helicopters, gyro’s and planes) , Bikes , On foot
Notable Traits
2 Head Fly bite
8 Head Spayed
1 Head Warts on body
1 Head White Blaze on head
2 Head White underbelly not unusual
Assessor Comments
87 Droughtmaster & Angus, Santa & Brahman Cross heifers on offer. Heifers are showing great growth for age, bone and will bounce on good feed. Heifers were weighed after long overnight dry curfew and pregnancy testing. Heifers present in fresh to store condition growing out nicely on Thallon buffel country. All heifers have been purchased in and PTIC sisters have been retained to increase vendors breeding herd. There were 7 Spayed heifers included in this assessment and can be removed at delivery if buyer wishing to breed from these heifers. The 7 heifers had an average weight of 395kg to take into account when bidding.
Sam Clements (Level 2 Accredited) Phone: 0455 033 292
Burr/Seed in Coat
No Burr or Seed of weeds declared noxious observed in the coats at assessment
HGP Status
The owner declares that the cattle have not been treated with HGP at any period of their lives
Cattle are within a Withholding Period or Export Slaughter Interval for: Iverlab Pour On as of 12/03/2025 for 28 days
Health Treatments
Drenched - 12/03/2025 - Iverlab Pour On
Chemical Residue
Clear - No known history.
J-BAS Score
Vendor Bred
Vendor has owned stock for 6-12 months
Stock History
Heifers were purchased in as weaners from Cheepie & WA
Lifetime Traceable
100 % of cattle in this lot are Lifetime Traceable
Warrawagine Station in WA using Valera Vale and Munda Droughtmasters
Grazing Conditions
Grazing on fresh Green Buffel Country
Returned same
Vendor Comments
Sale of pregnancy tested undetectable heifers with PTIC heifers being kept to grow herd.
Joining Details
Station Mated - Continuously Joined
Bull Breed(s):
Preg Tested?
Yes, this lot was pregnancy tested, by Matt Crowley (Non-Vet Contractor) on 12/03/2025.
87 Head (100%) NDP (or Not Preg Tested).
Certificate Available.
Pregnancy Terms
Other Joining Details
All heifers have been scanned undetectable for buyers confidence. Bulls taken out at time of Assessment & Scanning
Delivery Period
24/03/2025 to 27/03/2025 (4 days)
Delivery Point
Approx 15km South of Thallon, QLD
Lat: -28.748026979360453" S Long: 148.89305237001952" E
Cattle are not in a tick infested area.
Agent Contact
Sam Clements
Mobile 0455 033 292
Trucking Access
Wet Weather Accessible
Loading Facilities
Rear Loading
Loading Ramp
Single Deck
Trucking Access Additional Directions
B-Double. Dry weather only.
Trading Terms
Intending buyers be advised Elders terms are strictly CBD unless debt can be accepted by a nominated agency or an approved Elders account is in place.
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Special Conditions
Buyers to advise in writing via email post sale delivery instructions & information required for the NVD, also the required curfew prior to loading.
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 125675 · Fri, 21 March 2025, 9:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 6:00 AM · NT 7:30 AM · QLD 8:00 AM · SA 8:30 AM
Sam Clements Assessor & Delivery Agent