690 Mixed Sex Store Lambs

Lot 146 · COOLAC, SW Slopes & Plains
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Jack Mann (Level 2 Accredited)
Warralong Pastoral Trust - "Warby" Hume Highway, COOLAC, NSW
Lot Id
Black NLIS tags
PIC Number(s)
Average Weight
At Assessment
41.5 kgs
17.8 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 43%)
3 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
35 kgs to 46 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
19/03/2025 (5 days)
40.4 kgs based on -4% Del. Adj.
18.1 kgs
Live weight gain 150 grams/day
Weight Range
34 kgs to 45 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 14/03/2025 Sampled: 106 Head (15%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
1 2 3 Totals
Dressed Live 0-5 6-10 11-15
16 14.1 - 16.0 33 - 37 0% 8% 0% 8%
18 16.1 - 18.0 37 - 42 2% 34% 0% 36%
20 18.1 - 20.0 42 - 47 1% 39% 10% 50%
22 20.1 - 22.0 47 - 51 0% 5% 1% 6%
Totals 3% 86% 11% 100%
Comment on Fat Score 1 Sheep
Lambs present in strong forward store to forward condition.
Sire Dam
85 % 2nd Cross Poll Dorset Composite
15 % 1st Cross Kelso Poll Merino
Ext. Breed
Breed break up based on agents visual appraisal at time of assessment.
Sex Composition
Not assessed.
Jun 2024 to Jul 2024
Age Breakup: Approx only 15% present as June drop. Balance July/early August.
Lambs weaned 25/09/2024
Weaned onto lucerne.
Assessor Comments
Well-bred line of feeder lambs weighed out 35-46kg with 15% assessed. They carry a clean bill of health and not requiring a lot of effort to finish to heavier weights. Generally, these lambs would be taken through to trade and export markets, but the rapidly changing season is preventing this from happening. They are bred from a flock with good performance and lambs will continue to achieve sound results if given the right nutrition. Please call for further information. Please Note 40% of lambs in the assessed group carry dag.(generally light). See Photos
Jack Mann (Level 2 Accredited) Phone: 0428 794 280
Introduced Sheep
1-5 sources of sheep have been introduced onto the consignment property in the last 5 years
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Virulent Footrot
Consigned sheep are from a flock that is NOT free of Benign Footrot or Scald
Further Information: Scald does become prevalent in wetter years. As a result foot bathing takes place as a management practice when required. Lambs have not been through a footbath.
Feet were not inspected at assessment
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Lice
Scabby Mouth Vaccination
100% of this consignment have been treated with a Scabby Mouth Vaccination prior to sale.
Sheep are within a Withholding Period or Export Slaughter Interval for: Tridectin as of 06/03/2025 for 17 days
Health Treatments
Drenched - 06/03/2025 - Tridectin
Vaccinated - 25/09/2024 - 6 in 1 - Second Dose
Other Treatment - 14/08/2024 - Scabbiguard
Russian Eligible, Saudi Eligible
Health Declaration
A National Sheep Health Declaration will be provided at Delivery AT BUYER REQUEST
JD Approved Vaccinates
Sheep are not JD Approved Vaccinates.
Shearing Info
Shorn 14 Dec 2024
Not Crutched
Wool Length
20% 0.25 - 0.5"
80% 0.5 - 1"
Majority Length
20 Millimetres
Degree Burr
Degree Seed
None Observed
Shedding Breed Contact
No known contact with shedding breeds
Wool Comment
40% of lambs in the assessed group carry dry dag to some degree.generally quite light as a group
Vendor Bred
Sheep not tagged at time of assessment, and will be tagged prior to delivery
Stock History
Vendor has self replacing maternal flock based on Kelso genetics. Maternal ewes are joined to Valley Vista Poll Dorsets.
Kelso maternals and Valley Vista Poll Dorsets.
Grazing Conditions
Stubbles with short green pick receiving 900g of triticale a day.
Trained On Grain
Yes - Trail fed triticale
Other Health Information
Returned same
Vendor Comments
Offered for genuine sale due to drying season.
Any Access To Rams or Stags?
To vendor's best knowledge, the female portion of this lot has had no access to rams or stags.
Delivery Period
19/03/2025 to 21/03/2025 (3 days)
Delivery Point
"Warby" 5 kms from Coolac off the Hume Highway
Lat: -34.9353293" S Long: 148.16720980000002" E
Agent Contact
Cameron Rosser
Mobile 0429 218 962
Trucking Access
Wet Weather Accessible
Loading Facilities
Rear Loading
Loading Ramp
Double Deck
Trucking Access Additional Directions
Good access with a minimum 24 hours notice required for loading.
Trading Terms
Terms & Conditions of Delta Livestock & Property according to ALPA normal auction conditions. 7 days to approved purchasers. Purchasers must settle with a ALPA Stock Agency.
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 125646 · Tue, 18 March 2025, 1:00 PM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 10:00 AM · NT 11:30 AM · QLD 12:00 PM · SA 12:30 PM
Cameron Rosser Delivery Agent
Jack Mann Assessor