• Mixed Farming
• Approximately 1320 acres
• Approximately 20kms from Thallon grain receival, 1320 acres of 50% red self-mulching and 50% grey self-mulching rural land. Approx 500 acres of old cultivation. 500 acres standing timber. 1040 acres pushed timber, of which 200 acres has been raked. Timber is Belah, Brigalow, Boxed and Soft Wilga. Fencing. Western Boundary has new inclusion fence, Eastern boundary has exclusion material purchased but not yet erect, Southern boundary has new hinge joint, Northen boundary has two thirds netting, one third 5 plain, 1 barb in good condition. Buffel grass with winter herbage. Water is by Maxland bore scheme, 2 tanks, 3 troughs. One tank shares with the ajoining trough in neighbours paddock. Two dams. Subdivision has been preliminarily approved and will be finalised prior to settlement.