314 Woolgrower Wether Lambs

Lot 154 · CROOKWELL, Southern Tablelands
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Assessor's AuctionsPlus ID is currently inactive.
Duntroon Pastoral - 'Hollymount" Bevandale, BEVENDALE, NSW
PIC Number(s)
Average Weight
At Assessment
33.8 kgs
13.5 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 40%)
1 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
22 kgs to 48 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
10/11/2021 (11 days)
31.8 kgs based on -6% Del. Adj.
13.5 kgs
Live weight gain 0 grams/day
Weight Range
21 kgs to 45 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 30/10/2021 Sampled: 218 Head (69%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
1 2 3 Totals
Dressed Live 0-5 6-10 11-15
10 8.1 - 10.0 20 - 25 0% 4% 0% 4%
12 10.1 - 12.0 25 - 30 0% 13% 4% 17%
14 12.1 - 14.0 30 - 35 1% 25% 14% 40%
16 14.1 - 16.0 35 - 40 0% 16% 17% 33%
18 16.1 - 18.0 40 - 45 0% 0% 5% 5%
20 18.1 - 20.0 45 - 50 0% 0% 1% 1%
Totals 1% 58% 41% 100%
Comment on Fat Score 1 Sheep
Strong young wethers fit to travel
Sire Dam
100 % Pure Merino Merino
26 May 2021 to 7 Jul 2021
Age Breakup: 4-5months
Lambs weaned 30/10/2021
All Wether lambs weaned at assessment
Quality Grades
Very Good 90%
Good 10%
Assessor Comments
Quality line of Station bred Merino Wether Lambs. Sired by the Top Rams purchased from Grassy Creek & Yarrawonga Studs. The progeny of these Studs have gone on to win Wether trials. These Wethers are true Woolcutters & Bale fillers at around 6kg as adults , given the opportunity they will not disapoint. Small tail of mob has been removed. These Wethers will grow into medium to large frame Wethers suitable for Wool cutters or Fatten for the Processors. There are two lambs with partial black Fleece , these are optional. Note ; Wether Lambs weaned & crutched at assessment. There are 2 other Lots in this Sale that are the same as this Assessment . All Wethers will crutched before before delivery. 2 long tail lambs will be marked prior to delivery
Assessor's AuctionsPlus ID is currently inactive. Phone:
Parallel Assessed By : Cooper Sullivan
Introduced Sheep
Rams Only have been introduced onto the consignment property in the last 5 years
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Virulent Footrot
Consigned sheep are from a flock that is NOT free of Benign Footrot or Scald
Further Information: This lot of Wethers presented sound in the feet. not showing lameness at assessment , although there is a history of foot Scald on this property in a lush wet season.
Feet were not inspected at assessment
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Lice
Health Treatments
Drenched - 26/07/2021 - Ivomec Dual
Vaccinated - 26/07/2021 - 6in1 Lamb Marking
Other Treatment - 26/07/2021 - Clik for fly on breach
Russian Eligible, Saudi Eligible
Health Declaration
A National Sheep Health Declaration will be provided at Delivery AT BUYER REQUEST
JD Approved Vaccinates
Sheep are not JD Approved Vaccinates.
Other JD Management
Wether Lambs are not Gudaired ,Closed flock, all retained females Gudair vaccinated
Shearing Info
Crutched Type Keyhole
Wool Length
50% 1 - 1.5"
50% 1.5 - 2"
Majority Length
45 Millimetres
Degree Burr
Light Type: Bathurst Burr on body , odd Trefoil Clover on belly
Degree Seed
Very Light Type: Barley Grass & very odd native grass seed on Belly
Shedding Breed Contact
No known contact with shedding breeds
Skin Comment
Odd pelt with weather damage along backs
Wool Comment
Clean , bright fleece. No dust . Some lambs have last Summer Saffron & Scotch Thistle vegetable matter along backs. NOTE: All Wethers will be crutched 1/11/21. The day after assessment.
Vendor Bred
Stock History
Bred on Property out of quality woolcutters. Self replacing Merino enterprise with only Rams being introduced onto property
Sired by Kullingrah Blood Merino Rams out of Kullingrah Blood Merino Ewes , which go back to Yarrawonga & grassy Creek genetics
Grazing Conditions
Native & improved pastures of clovers ,rye & phalaris
Other Health Information
Returned same
Vendor Comments
Annual sale of Merino Wether lambs. Flock average 18.2 microns, Ewe weaners retained as breeders , average 16.8-17.0 micron at first shearing
Delivery Period
10/11/2021 to 16/11/2021 (7 days)
Delivery Point
36 km from Crookwell on Bevendale Road
Lat: -34.4556195" S Long: 149.4674255" E
Agent Contact
Tony J Walker
Mobile 0429 421 848
Trucking Access
B/Double Access
Trading Terms
JJ Dresser usual trading terms : 7 days settlement to approved ALPA member. All others settlement prior to delivery. NO REBATE
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Sale Types
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No. 292 · Tue, 09 November 2021, 1:00 PM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 10:00 AM · NT 11:30 AM · QLD 12:00 PM · SA 12:30 PM
Tony J Walker Assessor & Delivery Agent