360 Mixed Sex Store Lambs

Lot 820 · HOLBROOK, Riverina NSW
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Jarrod Slattery (Level 1 Accredited)
TA Field Estates 'Aberfeldy' - 'Aberfeldy', Hume Highway, Holbrook NSW, HOLBROOK, NSW
Lot Id
Red Tags (2022 drop)
PIC Number(s)
Average Weight
At Assessment
35.8 kgs
15.7 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 44%)
6 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
27 kgs to 43 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
22/02/2023 (5 days)
35.1 kgs based on -4% Del. Adj.
16.1 kgs
Live weight gain 200 grams/day
Weight Range
27 kgs to 42 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 17/02/2023 Sampled: 51 Head (14%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
2 3 Totals
Dressed Live 6-10 11-15
14 12.1 - 14.0 28 - 32 12% 0% 12%
16 14.1 - 16.0 32 - 36 35% 0% 35%
18 16.1 - 18.0 37 - 41 43% 0% 43%
20 18.1 - 20.0 41 - 45 8% 2% 10%
Totals 98% 2% 100%
Sire Dam
80 % Pure Composite Composite
20 % 1st Cross Composite Poll Dorset
Ext. Breed
80% Composite X Composite, 20% Composite X Poll Dorset
Sex Composition
Mostly wether lambs in group
7 Jul 2022 to 20 Aug 2022
Age Breakup: July-August 2022 drop (6-7 months)
Lambs weaned 07/11/2022
Well weaned & good to handle, lambs have been handled a lot and run well through yards and scales.
Wrinkle Score
Plain 100%
Assessor Comments
360 ‘Cloven Hills’ and 'Lambpro' blood store lambs that are the lead draft of 900 lambs on 'Aberfeldy'. Lambs were drafted prior to assessment and weighed from 27-44 kgs to avg 35.5 kgs. Only top performing genetics are introduced onto 'Aberfeldy' annually, with all lambs tagged with ‘Shearwell’ EID tags to record daily weight gains; all lambs have still been gaining weight on 'Aberfeldy' in summer months.
Jarrod Slattery (Level 1 Accredited) Phone: 0428 695 700
Introduced Sheep
1-5 sources of sheep have been introduced onto the consignment property in the last 5 years
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Virulent Footrot
Consigned sheep are from a flock that is NOT free of Benign Footrot or Scald
Further Information: Aberfeldy has had a history of foot abscess and scald, close management has improved this situation significantly in recent times. No lame sheep will be delivered. Structure and feet are a high priority on Aberfeldy.
Feet were inspected at assessment. Inspected 5 head (1%)
Comments: 'Aberfeldy' has a history of foot abscess through the wetter months of the year. This has cleared recently due to dryer conditions and foot bathing. No lame sheep will be delivered.
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Lice
Scabby Mouth Vaccination
100% of this consignment have not been treated with a Scabby Mouth Vaccination prior to sale
Russian Eligible, Saudi Eligible
Health Declaration
A National Sheep Health Declaration will be provided at Delivery AT BUYER REQUEST
JD Approved Vaccinates
Sheep are not JD Approved Vaccinates.
Other JD Management
100% of the replacement ewe flock 'on Aberfeldy' are Gudair vaccinates.
Other Health Information
Closed self-replacing flock, only rams are purchased.
Shearing Info
Shorn 09 Jan 2023
Not Crutched
Wool Length
100% 0.25 - 0.5"
Majority Length
8 Millimetres
Degree Burr
Very Light Type: Clover & Bathurst
Degree Seed
Light Type: Natural grasses
Shedding Breed Contact
No known contact with shedding breeds
Skin Comment
Typical composite skin with light clover burr and very odd bathurst burr. Odd lamb with black points on legs and nose. Overall skins are very clean due to excellent season.
Wool Comment
Typical crossbred wool with light dust in staple.
Vendor Bred
Stock History
All lambs were bred on Aberfeldy by high performing 'Cloven Hills' Sires
Lambs are bred from 'Cloven Hills' Composite ewes, with 80% by 'Cloven Hills' Composite Rams and 20% 'Lambpro' Poll Dorset Rams
Grazing Conditions
Lucerne Pastures
Other Health Information
Returned same
Vendor Comments
On offer is a nice line of young store lambs that have had a large tail removed, over 500 in the tail end removed from this mob.
Any Access To Rams or Stags?
To vendor's best knowledge, the female portion of this lot has had no access to rams or stags.
Delivery Period
22/02/2023 to 28/02/2023 (7 days)
Delivery Point
'Aberfeldy' is situated on Hume Highway approx 15kms north east of Holbrook NSW.
Lat: -35.7193532" S Long: 147.32406830000002" E
Agent Contact
Jarrod Slattery
Mobile 0428 695 700
AfterHours 0428 695 700
Trucking Access
Excellent access and outstanding loading facilities. Brand new shed, yards and loading ramp.
Delivery Comments
Flexible on loading date, just require 24 hours notice prior to loading.
Trading Terms
Nutrien Ag Solution Terms & Conditions of Sale
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Special Conditions
Australian Livestock & Property Association, 7 day payment terms upon arrival of the Livestock
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 708 · Tue, 21 February 2023, 1:00 PM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 10:00 AM · NT 11:30 AM · QLD 12:00 PM · SA 12:30 PM
Jarrod Slattery Assessor & Delivery Agent