110 Station Mated Ewes

Lot 574 · BINALONG, Southern Tablelands
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
David Benson (Level 2 Accredited)
Glengarry Binalong - Glengarry Binalong, BINALONG, NSW
Lot Id
Yellow Year Tag
PIC Number(s)
Average Weight
At Assessment
71.3 kgs
30.0 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 42%)
3 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
60 kgs to 82 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
05/12/2023 (1 day)
67.8 kgs based on -5% Del. Adj.
30.0 kgs
Live weight gain 100 grams/day
Weight Range
57 kgs to 78 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 04/12/2023 Sampled: 27 Head (25%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
3 Totals
Dressed Live 11-15
26 24.1 - 26.0 57 - 62 15% 15%
28 26.1 - 28.0 62 - 67 11% 11%
30 28.1 - 30.0 67 - 71 15% 15%
32 30.1 - 32.0 72 - 76 48% 48%
36 34.1 - 36.0 81 - 86 11% 11%
Totals 100% 100%
Sire Dam
100 % 1st Cross Border Leicester Merino
2 - 2.2 Years
Age Breakup: Jul/Aug 21 Drop
Quality Grades
Very Good 100%
Wrinkle Score
Plain 100%
Assessor Comments
Outstanding run of Glengarry Scanned 1st X Ewes Jul/Aug 21 Drop, account the breeder. Bred from a pure Egelabra Flock by Retallick blood Border Rams. Joined 1st November to Rowallan Poll Dorset Rams. Ewes have had over 120% lambs weaned in October and sold straight to Supermarket orders. Ewes are up to date with all treatments and are GUDAIRED and scabby mouthed, allowing travel to all areas. Vendor prepared to offer delayed payment to approved buyer. The works been done on these outstanding ewes buy with confidence.
David Benson (Level 2 Accredited) Phone: 0428 275 504
Introduced Sheep
Rams Only have been introduced onto the consignment property in the last 5 years
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Virulent Footrot
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Benign Footrot or Scald
Feet were inspected at assessment. Inspected 5 head (5%)
Comments: Dry and clean no history of any problems.
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Lice
Scabby Mouth Vaccination
100% of this consignment have not been treated with a Scabby Mouth Vaccination prior to sale
Health Treatments
Drenched - 30/09/2023 - Q Drench
Vaccinated - 01/09/2022 - 6 in 1
Vaccinated - 01/09/2021 - Gudaired
Other Treatment - 01/09/2021 - Scabby mouth vaccinated
Health Declaration
A National Sheep Health Declaration will be provided at Delivery AT BUYER REQUEST
JD Approved Vaccinates
Sheep are JD Approved Vaccinates.
Vendor has been continuously vaccinating all retained lambs in the flock for 10 years
Shearing Info
Shorn 11 May 2023
Crutched Type Full
Wool Length
100% 2 - 2.5"
Majority Length
2.5 Inches
Degree Burr
Very Light Type: Medic
Degree Seed
None Observed
Shedding Breed Contact
No known contact with shedding breeds
Skin Comment
Clean skins, no visual fault.
Wool Comment
Finer XB skins.
Vendor Bred
Stock History
Ewes held over from last year due to favourable season.
Bred from a closed Egelabra flock by large frame Rettallack blood Border Leicester rams.
Grazing Conditions
Improved pasture
Other Health Information
Returned same
Vendor Comments
Ewes have had favourable conditions and grown out well. Weaned over 120% lambs last year.
Joining Details
Station Mated ram(s) put in: 01/11/2023 ram(s) taken out: 05/12/2023 (35 days)
Ram Breed(s):
Poll Dorset at 2.0% Rams
To the vendors best knowledge, this lot has had no access to rams or stags aside from stated joining period.
Preg Scanned?
No, this lot was not pregnancy scanned.
Other Joining Details
Rams will stay in until delivery.
Delivery Period
05/12/2023 to 12/12/2023 (8 days)
Delivery Point
Glengarry is 10kms South of Binalong
Lat: -34.6796688" S Long: 148.6687118" E
Agent Contact
David Benson
Mobile 0428 275 504
Trucking Access
All weather b-double access.
Delivery Comments
B-Double access
Trading Terms
COD unless approved purchaser.
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Special Conditions
Payment 7 days from delivery
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 703 · Tue, 05 December 2023, 2:00 PM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 11:00 AM · NT 12:30 PM · QLD 1:00 PM · SA 1:30 PM
David Benson Assessor & Delivery Agent