28 PTIC Cows & 28 Calves

Lot 339 · BOOL LAGOON, Lower SE S.A.
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Robert Handbury (Level 1 Accredited)
HARLOCK PASTORAL - 968 Crooked Ln, Bool Lagoon., BOOL LAGOON, SA
Lot Id
Cows have green & yellow tags in the near ear.
PIC Number(s)
EU , LPA , MSA (Z358)
Average Weight
At Assessment
609.2 kgs
274.1 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 45%)
1 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
449 kgs to 802 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
06/09/2021 (10 days)
578.7 kgs based on -5% Del. Adj.
274.1 kgs
Live weight gain 0 kgs/day
Weight Range
427 kgs to 762 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 27/08/2021 Sampled: 28 Head (100%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
2 3 L 3 H 4 L 4 H Totals
Dressed Live 3-6 7-9 10-12 13-17 18-22
22 200.1 - 220.0 445 - 489 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4%
24 220.1 - 240.0 489 - 533 7% 4% 0% 0% 0% 11%
26 240.1 - 260.0 534 - 578 11% 7% 0% 0% 0% 18%
28 260.1 - 280.0 578 - 622 11% 18% 4% 0% 0% 33%
30 280.1 - 300.0 622 - 667 0% 7% 4% 4% 0% 15%
32 300.1 - 320.0 667 - 711 0% 0% 7% 0% 0% 7%
34 320.1 - 340.0 711 - 756 0% 0% 4% 4% 0% 8%
38 360.1 - 380.0 800 - 844 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 4%
Totals 33% 36% 19% 8% 4% 100%
Sire Dam
28 Head Poll Hereford Poll Hereford
Ext. Breed
Horn Status
23 Polled 5 Dehorned
3 - 10 Years
Age Breakup: 13 x 2018 drop. 7 x 2017 drop. 3 x 2016 drop. 3 x 2014 drop. 1 x 2013 drop. 1 x 2011 drop.
Calves at Foot
28 calves sired by Poll Hereford
Sex Composition: 16 steers & 12 heifers.
Age in Months low 3 high 5
CAF Weight
28 calves handled. low 142 kgs Ave. 182 kgs High 235 kgs
Docile: 24 head
Quiet: 4 head
Docile: 24 head
Quiet: 4 head
Temperament not assessed in Paddock
The Harlock Pastoral cows are a pleasure to handle, easy to draft and work through the yards. They are extremely quiet.
Handled With
Bikes , Dogs , On foot , Vehicles
Assessor Comments
These are classed out cows from the Harlock Pastoral herd which were drafted off prior to calving. They all calved down to top end Poll Hereford bulls purchased from Banemore & Days White Face, so the calves are full of genetic potential. Calves were marked on 20/5/21; Steer calves are identified by red ear tags, Heifer calves have yellow ear tags. Allendale and Weeran Angus bulls were put back over the cows and they have been preg tested back in calf to calve again in M/A next year. They are *EU accredited* and PCAS Eligible. The majority of the cows are only 3 & 4 yo, and this represents a real opportunity to purchase young cows with a calf at foot, where all the hard work has been done and they are back in calf. All cows are sound and none are showing lameness, but please note that 5 of these cows have long back toes, (on 2 of these cows both their back feet toes are long).
Robert Handbury (Level 1 Accredited) Phone: 0429 131 186
Burr/Seed in Coat
No Burr or Seed of weeds declared noxious observed in the coats at assessment
HGP Status
The owner declares that the cattle have not been treated with HGP at any period of their lives
Health Treatments
Cows Vaccinated - 15/02/2021 - 7 in 1
Calves Vaccinated - 20/05/2021 - Ultravac 7in1
Calves Vaccinated - 20/05/2021 - Cydectin long acting
Calves Other Treatment - 20/05/2021 - Multimin
Calves Other Treatment - 20/05/2021 - Bovillis MH IBR
Russian Eligible, Saudi Eligible, PCAS Eligible
J-BAS Score
Vendor Bred
Stock History
Bred on vendors "Ledgard" & "Shepherds Way" properties out of the large framed Harlock Pastoral Poll Hereford EU Cow Herd.
Lifetime Traceable
100 % of cattle in this lot are Lifetime Traceable
Poll Hereford Herd based on Cannawigra and Allendale Days White Face Poll Hereford Genetics.
Grazing Conditions
Grazing lush improved pasture consisting of Phalaris, Annual grasses and clovers.
Returned same
Vendor Comments
Culled out breeder cows surplus to requirements.
Joining Details
Station Mated bulls put in: 25/05/2021 bulls taken out: 28/07/2021 (65 days)
Bull Breed(s):
To the vendors best knowledge, this lot has had no access to bulls or stags aside from stated joining period.
Preg Tested?
Yes, this lot was pregnancy tested, by Greg Fitzgerald (Non-Vet Contractor) on 18/08/2021.
28 Head (100%) PTIC, from 1 to 2.5 months (at time of assessment 27/08/2021).
Certificate Available.
Other Joining Details
PTIC to Weeran & Allendale Angus Bulls
Delivery Period
06/09/2021 to 10/09/2021 (5 days)
Delivery Point
Stock is located 22km South-West of Naracoorte at 968 Crooked Ln.
Lat: -37.15071289999999" S Long: 140.71213790000002" E
NLIS Transfer
Vendor/Agent willing to Scan and Transfer cattle AT BUYER REQUEST at cost of $0.00/head
Agent Contact
Trucking Access Additional Directions
All weather B-Double access.
Delivery Comments
Please provide 24 Hr notice prior to delivery.
Trading Terms
‘Selling under Thomas DeGaris & Clarkson Normal Trading Terms to Approved Purchasers. CBD to all others.’
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 870 · Fri, 03 September 2021, 11:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEST
WA 9:00 AM · NT 10:30 AM · QLD 11:00 AM · SA 10:30 AM
Robert Handbury Assessor & Delivery Agent

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