Updated Details

Please note typo in weights, correct weight range is 420kg-658kg

54 NSM Cows & 54 Calves

Lot 526 · JAMESTOWN, Mid & Upper North S.A.
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Tom Allen (Level 1 Accredited)
Broad Cattle Co. - Old Canowie - Approximately 20 km out of Jamestown on the Jamestown to Hallett Road ( Wilkins HWY ) , JAMESTOWN, SA
PIC Number(s)
LPA , MSA , Greenham Never Ever Accredited Number 5250
Average Weight
At Assessment
527.1 kgs
242.5 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 46%)
4 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
256 kgs to 658 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
18/10/2021 (5 days)
508.3 kgs based on -4% Del. Adj.
243.6 kgs
Live weight gain 0.6 kgs/day
Weight Range
248 kgs to 634 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 13/10/2021 Sampled: 54 Head (100%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
2 3 L 3 H 4 L Totals
Dressed Live 3-6 7-9 10-12 13-17
13 0 - 130.0 0 - 283 0% 0% 2% 0% 2%
20 180.1 - 200.0 392 - 435 2% 0% 0% 0% 2%
22 200.1 - 220.0 435 - 478 7% 0% 2% 0% 9%
24 220.1 - 240.0 478 - 522 18% 4% 6% 0% 28%
26 240.1 - 260.0 522 - 565 15% 9% 11% 2% 37%
28 260.1 - 280.0 565 - 609 4% 4% 4% 2% 14%
30 280.1 - 300.0 609 - 652 2% 2% 0% 2% 6%
32 300.1 - 320.0 652 - 696 0% 0% 2% 0% 2%
Totals 48% 19% 27% 6% 100%
Sire Dam
20 Head Angus Angus/Hereford
15 Head Angus Hereford
14 Head Angus Angus
5 Head Angus Santa Cross
Ext. Breed
Horn Status
54 Polled
3 - 8 Years
Age Breakup: 10% of cows have 2 & 4 teeth
Calves at Foot
54 calves sired by Angus, Limousin
Age in Months low 1 high 3
CAF Weight
54 calves handled. Calves were bulk weighed Ave. 85 kgs
Large 75%
Medium 25%
Quality Grades
Excellent 40%
Very Good 45%
Fair 15%
Store Condition
Fwd Prime 35%
Fwd Store 60%
Store 5%
Quiet: 48 head
Slightly Stirry: 6 head
Quiet: 48 head
Slightly Stirry: 6 head
Temperament not assessed in Paddock
Cattle are easy to handle when handled in good facility's.
Handled With
Bikes , On foot , Vehicles
Assessor Comments
This 3 deck line of 54 Angus, Angus / Hereford and Angus / Santa cross cows have 54 unmarked 1 to 3 month old calves at foot. The calves are Angus and Angus / Limousin cross and they have an average weight of 85 kgs full. These cows range in age from 3 to 8 years old with 10% only having 2 or 4 teeth. The genetics in these cows along with their calves have been sourced from Pathfinder, Stoney Point, Sterita Park and Maryvale Limousin studs. All cows have recently received a 5 in 1 and a drench. The vendor is only selling these cows as they have relinquished a lease property. These are nice line of cows with fresh, well bred calves at foot. Broad Cattle Co are Greenham Never Ever Accredited - 5250.
Tom Allen (Level 1 Accredited)
Burr/Seed in Coat
No Burr or Seed of weeds declared noxious observed in the coats at assessment
HGP Status
The owner declares that the cattle have not been treated with HGP at any period of their lives
Health Treatments
Cows Drenched - 09/09/2021 - Moxidectin
Cows Vaccinated - 09/09/2021 - 5 in 1
Russian Eligible, Saudi Eligible
J-BAS Score
Vendor Bred
Cattle not tagged at time of assessment, and will be tagged prior to delivery
Lifetime Traceable
100 % of cattle in this lot are Lifetime Traceable
Genetics predominately used are renowned Angus studs such as Pathfinder, Stoney Point, Sterita Park, Glatz and Maryvale Limousin stud.
Grazing Conditions
Pasture paddock of native winter grasses and fresh lucerne.
Returned same
Vendor Comments
These cows have been running on our Jamestown property for the past 8 weeks and have settled in well and have now they have all calved. We are selling these cows as we have relinquished a lease property.
Joining Details
Not Station Mated
Any Access To Bulls or Stags?
To vendor's best knowledge, this lot has had no access to bulls or stags.
Delivery Period
18/10/2021 to 19/10/2021 (2 days)
Delivery Point
Old Canowie Yards
Lat: -33.205278" S Long: 138.601944" E
NLIS Transfer
Vendor/Agent willing to Scan and Transfer cattle AT BUYER REQUEST at cost of $3.00/head
Agent Contact
Trucking Access Additional Directions
Good loading facility's with road train access
Trading Terms
Normal Nutrien terms and conditions apply.
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 768 · Fri, 15 October 2021, 11:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
WA 8:00 AM · NT 9:30 AM · QLD 10:00 AM · SA 10:30 AM
Tom Allen Assessor & Delivery Agent

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