346 Ewes & 422 Lambs

Lot 642 · GREGADOO, Riverina NSW
data_info_alert Overview
Form No.
chat Assessor Comments
Joe Wilks (Level 2 Accredited)
J & D MANNING - Elizabeth Avenue, Wagga Wagga, GREGADOO, NSW
Lot Id
Yellow, Green, Purple tag
PIC Number(s)
Average Weight
At Assessment
59.9 kgs
23.4 kgs (Est. Av. Drs. 39%)
4 Hrs off feed
Weight Range
43 kgs to 81 kgs Liveweight
At Est Kill/Del Date
11/09/2024 (9 days)
56.9 kgs based on -5% Del. Adj.
23.4 kgs
Live weight gain 0 grams/day
Weight Range
41 kgs to 77 kgs Liveweight at delivery
Assessment: Individual on 02/09/2024 Sampled: 181 Head (52%)
Weight Class Weight Range Fat Scores
1 2 3 Totals
Dressed Live 0-5 6-10 11-15
18 16.1 - 18.0 41 - 46 2% 0% 0% 2%
20 18.1 - 20.0 46 - 51 4% 0% 0% 4%
22 20.1 - 22.0 52 - 56 19% 5% 1% 25%
24 22.1 - 24.0 57 - 62 18% 8% 2% 28%
26 24.1 - 26.0 62 - 67 13% 11% 4% 28%
28 26.1 - 28.0 67 - 72 1% 6% 2% 9%
30 28.1 - 30.0 72 - 77 0% 1% 2% 3%
32 30.1 - 32.0 77 - 82 0% 0% 1% 1%
Totals 57% 31% 12% 100%
Comment on Fat Score 1 Sheep
Ewes are in strong store condition, fit and energetic throughout the assessing process. Ewes are putting everything into their lambs and with correct livestock loading and handling will endure travelling reasonably long distances well.
Sire Dam
100 % Pure Merino Merino
3 - 5 Years
Age Breakup: Approximate age breakup - 175 Yellow tag (2021 drop) - 100 Purple tag (2020 drop) - 71 Green tag (2019 drop)
Lambs at Foot Details
422 Lambs at Foot sired by Border Leicester. Lamb(s) aged 4 to 5 Months.
Mixed sex, approx 5 hd only found 1 nut at marking
LAF Weights
101 lambs were handled. Low: 19 kgs - High: 49 kgs - Average: 32 kgs
Wither Height
> 70 cm 25%
66 - 70 cm 60%
61 - 65 cm 15%
Quality Grades
Good 100%
Wrinkle Score
Plain 70%
Light 20%
Medium 10%
Notable Traits
5 Head Lambs with only one nut at lamb marking
10 Head Skurr/horn
Assessor Comments
Predominately 3 year old merino ewes with FX mixed sex lambs at foot sired by Retallack Border Leicester Rams. Ewes Present in strong store condition to average 57kg curfewed at assessment also carrying 7 months wool putting everything into their lambs which sample weighed 32 kg average at assessment. This article presents plenty of potential opportunities and are only being sold due to vendors change in breeding program and farm management. Ewes cutting quality 6.5kg of 19.8 micron wool in 2024 and are youthful enough to provide more years wool return and rare lambs. Lambs are from quality bloodlines to give you confidence to keep the ewe portion as future breeders or onsell then fatten wether portion NOTE: Ewes & Lambs crutched on 5/9/24 which is after photos & videos for this assessment were taken. NOTE: Lambs not tagged at assessment as vendor is awaiting tags arrival in the post.
Joe Wilks (Level 2 Accredited) Phone: 0408 681 863
Parallel Assessed By : Jack Garland
Introduced Sheep
1-5 sources of sheep have been introduced onto the consignment property in the last 5 years
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Virulent Footrot
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Benign Footrot or Scald
Feet were not inspected at assessment
All consigned sheep are from a flock that is free of Lice
Scabby Mouth Vaccination
100% of this consignment have not been treated with a Scabby Mouth Vaccination prior to sale
Health Treatments
Ewes & Lambs Drenched - 26/06/2024 - Startect
Ewes & Lambs Drenched - 26/06/2024 - Combitak
Ewes & Lambs Vaccinated - 23/03/2024 - Glanvac 6 in 1 - Booster
Health Declaration
A National Sheep Health Declaration will be provided at Delivery AT BUYER REQUEST
JD Approved Vaccinates
Sheep are not JD Approved Vaccinates.
Details: Yellow tags mulsed, green and purple tags un-mulsed
Pain Relief
Mulesing Types
Light: 45%
Unmulesed: 55%
Shearing Info
Shorn 04 Feb 2024
Crutched Type Full
Wool Length
80% 1.5 - 2"
20% 2 - 2.5"
Majority Length
45 Millimetres
Degree Burr
Light Type: Clover burr
Degree Seed
Very Light Type: Grass seed
Wool Cut
Year 2024 Result 6.5 kgs
Micron Test
Year 2024 Result 19.8 micron
Year 2024 Result 74 %
Shedding Breed Contact
No known contact with shedding breeds
Skin Comment
Healthy pink skins
Wool Comment
Stylish white wool, good crimp (refer to photos)
Vendor Bred
Vendor has owned stock for More than 12 months
Stock History
Yellow tag ewes are Yarrawonga blood, purchased via A+ from TIVERTON at harden as 1 year olds. Green and purple tags are vendor bred sired by Karoola Downs poll merino rams
Ewes & Lambs crutched 5/9/24 after photos and videos were taken
Grazing Conditions
Natural and improved pastures, supplemented with clover / rye hay and feeders of oats
Other Health Information
Returned same
Joining Details
Not Station Mated
Other Joining Details
Mixed sex Lambs at foot are sired by Retallack Border Leicester rams, April / May drop = 4 to 5 months old, marked on 10/6/24, crutched 5/9/24
Any Access To Rams or Stags?
To vendor's best knowledge, this lot has had no access to rams or stags.
Delivery Period
11/09/2024 to 16/09/2024 (6 days)
Delivery Point
10km east of Wagga or 16 km south east of Wagga livestock marketing centre
Lat: -35.205247093161034" S Long: 147.4492045674896" E
Agent Contact
Joe Wilks
Mobile 0408 681 863
Trucking Access
B-Double access if required (24 hours notice)
Delivery Comments
Minimum 48 hours notice.
Trading Terms
7 day trading terms for ALPA members and pre approved buyers. Payment prior to delivery for all other successful purchasers
Movement Restrict.
None provided. [Please note: It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to satisfy all state compliances in regard to the movement of this lot.]
Sale Types
If you are purchasing livestock from AuctionsPlus, please remember its the buyers responsibility to transfer your purchased animals onto your PIC in the NLIS database.
To do this you can access your account at www.nlis.com.au or if you require assistance, please contact the NLIS Helpdesk on 1800 654 743
No. 123801 · Tue, 10 September 2024, 2:00 PM (SYD, NSW) AEST
WA 12:00 PM · NT 1:30 PM · QLD 2:00 PM · SA 1:30 PM
Joe Wilks Assessor & Delivery Agent